Budget & Review Liburan ke Hong Kong Disneyland 2023
Liburan ke Hong Kong Disneyland adalah highlight trip keluarga kami kali ini. Annual conference kerjaan Mama yang biasanya di bulan April, tahun ini tiba2 digeser ke bulan Juni sehingga…
Liburan ke Hong Kong Disneyland adalah highlight trip keluarga kami kali ini. Annual conference kerjaan Mama yang biasanya di bulan April, tahun ini tiba2 digeser ke bulan Juni sehingga…
Catatan Pengeluaran Traveling di Hong Kong ini memang telat banget karena kertas yang berisi oret-oretannya ternyata baru ketemu haha.. Maaf yaa.. Tapi lebih baik terlambat daripada tidak sama sekali,…
Tai Po Waterfront Park review kali ini ditulis untuk attraction di daerah Tai Po, salah satu daerah pemukiman yang cukup jauh dari pusat kota / central area di Hong Kong….
What to do in Hollywood Road Hong Kong ? We also have the same question for the first time plan to visit this area. But when we arrive and…
Another park that we visited during our trip to Hong Kong was Hong Kong Park in Central area. This park is bigger than Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Garden and…
Victoria Peak Hong Kong is a mountain in the western half of Hong Kong Island. It is also known as Mount Austin, and locally as The Peak (wikipedia). Either…
One of the reasons that we love Hong Kong is the public park. It has so many public parks, that are not only big and beautiful, but also educational…
This blog post of How to Get Around Hong Kong is extremely important as renting a car or going everywhere by taxi are not even an option as the…
Hong Kong Observation Wheel review is made based on our visit on 19 April 2016. Price may change without notice, please kindly double-check with its official website.
Hong Kong Attraction
Basically, we don’t…