Devdan Show Bali Review
Bali Educational English

Devdan Show Bali Review: A Perfect Educational Show that Entertains

April 8, 2016

Before this Devdan Show Bali Review, we luckily got special opportunity to see Devdan Show more closely in its 1000th Show Celebration: from the creator behind it, the backstage show, and see the show itself from the first row in the theatre. Honestly, we’re so excited!, because after we saw Bali Agung Show, we started to enjoy theatre performance. In this post, we will also compare it with Bali Agung Show in Bali Safari & Marine Park.

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Why Devdan Show was Created

In July 2011, the idea came from Ibu Lindratini Suparsono in the mission to spread the beautiful culture across Indonesia for all people who come to Bali.

“Indonesia has many islands and hundreds of tribes with their own unique culture, language, traditional dance and song, arts, etc. We have thousands of islands and hundreds of tribes in Indonesia, each of which has its own unique culture, language, dress, traditional arts and other attractions,” Lindratini said. “So why do so many tourists just stop at Bali?” 

During these 5 years, Devdan Show finally reached its 1000th show celebration. After great efforts from the whole team, Devdan Show has achieved some of the awards and achievements, including being the Indonesian Leading Tourism Show for 2014/15. Devdan can also be invited to perform outside Bali, even to overseas, which the show will also be customized.


People Behind Devdan Show

Devdan 1000th Show Meed & Greet

“Meet & Greet” Session in the 1000th Devdan Show

In the “Meet & Greet” session, we met some people who supported Devdan Show, such as:

  • Hengky Hartadi, as Creative Director
  • Jeffrey Hall, as the Stage Director
  • Axel Morgenthaler, as Artistic Guide and Lighting Design
  • Sandra Dewi, Indonesia celebrity, was also there to support the promotion of Indonesia tourism, in this case, Devdan Show. According to her, this is the first time she’s invited by Indonesian tourism event during her 10-years-career, while most other requests came from outside Indonesia.


Devdan Backstage Tour

We are soooo excited for this backstage tour! Firstly, because it’s absolutely rare. Secondly, because this can be very interesting for us and Lala, though she might be able to understand only some parts of it. We aim to introduce as much as we can to her, and this experience is definitely worth.

Devdan Control Room

Devdan Control Room

Firstly we visited the control room at the rear of the auditorium. This room has many screen, audio devices, video controller, etc., from which lighting, sound, and other control equipment is. I was so afraid Lala would touch anything, so Eko brought her instead of putting her on the floor and ‘explore’ :p


Devdan Backstage Tour

Lala shakes hands with one of the artist.

After we passed the changing room where all costumes are arranged neatly, we also visited make-up room where all artists were still doing their make-up. Not like what I see in the movie that the make-up artist is doing all make-up for artists, here all artists are doing their own make-up. A guy said to me that he learnt to do make-up while he was in art collage. Now it makes sense, as this is not a one-man show. 🙂


Devdan Stage Tour

Lala’s enjoying the performance on stage

Then the last part of the tour was to the main stage, where we watched special performance closely, and tried the moving stage. SO COOL!

After the Backstage Tour is over, we had some light dinner supported by Grand Mirage Resort, and TADAAAA.. the main star is here: THE DEVDAN SHOW. 🙂



Devdan Show Bali Review

“Devdan: Treasure of the Archipelago”, comes from the word of “Deva” which means God, and the word of “Dana” which means Gift. So Devdan means “Gift of the God”. In 90-minutes show, Devdan will give us the tour of Indonesian archipelago, from Bali, Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, and Papua.

We were sitting at the first row so we could feel the emotion of the artists. It was so beautifully played, and we think it wins over the Bali Agung Show. Well, they actually have a little bit different story: Bali Agung is more focusing on the animal show, while we don’t think the story is clear enough even audience has read through the booklet before the show starts. While in Devdan Show, the story is easy-to-understand for all types of audience, and have not only entertaining show, but also educational aspect related to Indonesian culture.


Overall, this is our review for both Devdan Show and Bali Agung Show in terms of:

  • Story: Devdan’s story is easier to understand.
  • Interaction: Devdan Show interacts more with the audience. It also have some refreshing break between segment 3 and 4, which is very useful for the audience to relax, sit back, and enjoy the show.
  • Educational aspect: Devdan tells the audience for each dance/song/culture description on the screen in front of the stage. While I think Bali Agung Show is mostly about entertainment (only).
  • Price: From the duration, and the quality of the show, you can know exactly which is more affordable :p But I can say, Devdan show is worth-it to see when you have a chance.
  • Theatre: Bali Agung has bigger stage and auditorium.
  • Performance: Well, I can say both have their own key-performance and both are awesome. We love the “flying dancers” in Devdan Show. It was so touching and amazing. I think the artists throw all the Love they have throughout the auditorium. <3


Devdan Show Bali

Bali Nusa Dua Theatre
Address: Jl. Nusa Dua, Benoa, Bali
See direction
Phone: (0361) 770197

Show Times:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday at 19:30

Pricing Info

Special Promotion 2016


This is not a sponsored review, and based on our honest personal opinion. If you think it’s useful, care to share! 🙂

XO, Diana


Eko, Diana & Ariella
Bali, Indonesia

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